About the Project
Open science technologies Acceleration for a new generation of Student entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainable development
OASIS is an initiative of four HEIs, 1x Research Center, 1x pan-EU network of institutions and 2x enterprises (startup and well established). It aims to develop and share support capabilities in the area of OPEN SCIENCE (OS) driving EU’s digital transformation and sustainable development.
The project is about facilitating the adoption of OS technologies in education through practical applications, training and mentoring activities for managing real educational and labor oriented problems with a view to increase openness and not closed intellectual property.
OASIS aims to provide several well designed actions that boost students’ appreciation of Open Science entrepreneurship disciplines and professions and also their understanding of sustainable solutions that address Open Science challenges of the 21st century.
The consortium involves organizations from all the fields of the knowledge triangle – Academia, Research, NGO’ and Business management in order to represent different areas of the Open Science ecosystem.
OASIS’ partnership composition is based on the scope of covering relevant sectors of Open Science in Europe, in order to give an effective answer to the sustainable development demand of skills, jobs, training, mentoring etc. To this aim, the partners have clearly defined necessary roles to generate International based business solutions via the broader and faster industrialization of OASIS results, implementing a collaborative community via Open Science.
OASIS partnership is consisted by eight full partners and one associated partner as follows:
- 1) two essentially highly skilled and innovative SMEs (INTELLIA and AI4SKILLS) working to bring together technology innovation and scientific research targeting to deliver customized solutions that disrupt conventional value chains by creating new products / solutions / markets. Represents the 22% of the total number of partners and 6% of budget
- 2) one of the main Research Centers in Greece and EU in general (ATHENA) serving the full spectrum of the research lifecycle, starting from basic and applied research, continuing on to system & product building and infrastructure service provision, and ending with technology transfer and entrepreneurship. The fundamental role of Athena RC is to build knowledge and devise solutions and technologies for the digital society; Represents the 11% of the total number of partners and 9% of budget
- 3) four academic actors (from Greece, Italy, Bulgaria and Albania) with a critical role in the development and growth of local and regional innovation ecosystems by boosting their entrepreneurial capabilities at all levels and unlocking their innovation potential. Represents the 45% on the total number of partners and 76% of the budget
- 4) one Organization which represents HEIs members (EfVET) with the role to act as an agent for collaborative projects with its members in EU, providing a transnational framework to support all co-operative actions aimed at enhancing and improving education and training representing the 11% on the total number of partners, and 9% of total budget
- 5) one Non Profit Organization as a strategic associate partner (MEXOXO) related to women empowerment through entrepreneurship and innovation mentoring and training seminars.
Structurally, OASIS integrates the knowledge triangle and brings together excellent organizations in the field of industry and business, education and research as well as users/students. Executing this triple helix enables OASIS to achieve the critical mass needed to scale and roll-out solutions that bring tangible benefits to all the stakeholders. The OASIS project has designed bottom-up and top-down processes that mobilize the partner’s assets to provide a balanced activity portfolio, thus facilitating disruptive innovation.
OASIS’ vision is to become the leading European initiative that empowers and enables students, early stage innovators and entrepreneurs (alumni for HEI) to create or develop their businesses and start-ups by adopting OS world-class solutions. Its objectives will be realized by strengthening the integration and contribution of HEIs to innovation ecosystems, through the EIT knowledge triangle model: interaction between business, education and innovation.
For a long time, education institutions have been preparing students for a working life in established organizations, which has left no space in the curriculum to develop initiative-taking and entrepreneurship. Education has an impact in changing attitudes and behavior but it is not the only factor. Teaching and learning are central areas for HEI to implement learning methods for students to acquire competencies and skills. Building an entrepreneurial HEI is a constant journey, and elements, choices, engagement, and prioritization are context-specific and unique for each HEI. Education activities that combine theory and practice are an ideal environment to nurture innovation and entrepreneurship.
In the OASIS project we will create a set of tools and methods that will have an important impact on students and teachers to change mindsets and influence attitudes and behaviors – we will create a roadmap to change HEIs to 2030.
This mission drove us to the selection of the following actions during the OASIS project.
- establish a Virtual Academy of Teaching and Learning (VATL) as an international community of teachers, staff and students interested in using and sharing OS platforms & tools to promote entrepreneurship;
- develop a marketplace of OS supporting tools, data, products methodologies and services in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship based on OS technologies and standards;
- develop a matchmaking platform from-skills-to-jobs
- develop innovation and entrepreneurial training programmes for academic/non academic staff
- create an acceleration mentorship program for academic/non academic staff and students
- create an empowerment mentorship program “Girls Learning Open Science”
- develop pilot projects to support start-ups/scale-ups and utilize testbeds through marketplace
- develop training (summer schools) oriented to OPEN SCIENCE enable exchange of good practices through enhanced networking and mutual learning;
- establish a virtual innovation forum to enable people to create or develop their businesses and start-ups;
- develop MOOC courses and eLearning platform introducing new entrepreneurship teaching modules to enable students to start their businesses or/and start-ups
- organize and create internships in businesses, linking education with industry, fostering the entrepreneurial character of the university
The OASIS project is innovative, in the sense that it serves multiple purposes and multiple audiences. The development of the marketplace, the matchmaking platform, the production of educational material, the training, mentoring and supporting of students / academic and non-academic staff / startups / SMEs are services applied for the first time in a wide region such as the RIS countries.
The academics of the 8 participating partners coming from 5 countries, majority in the region of RIS countries within the OASIS project, will be able to build bridges for intra-national, regional and cross-regional cooperation also with above-mentioned consortiums. These partnerships, via the horizontal link of the activities that will take place during the project, is estimated to bring in the HEIs originated from the RIS countries innovative, comprehensive teaching and learning methods and tools, focused on open source student-centered approaches, digital tools and applications. Besides the establishment and operation of open science marketplace educating, teaching academic and non academic staff in the participating universities is an innovative action since there are no such activities recorded in the past.
It is very important to emphasize that OASIS full partner ATHENA Research Center is Coordinator in the Be-OPEN project and beneficiary in many other Open Science / Technology projects. So the knowledge transfer that will offer in OASIS will be the result of accumulated experience and know-how and therefore will have great impact to all Stakeholders of the consortium.
The main aim of the OASIS project is to increase its visibility of and to ensure that its outcomes have a significant impact on Higher Education Institutes and communities across Europe. OASIS defines the required actions to ensure that the work of the partnerships’ HEIs and the various instruments, educational packages and platforms that will be produced are disseminated and communicated to third parties with an interest in exploiting them. In the medium and long term, the aim of this WP is to create and nurture the core of an ecosystem that will guarantee sustainability and adoption of project outcomes. The target audience will be as broad as possible, with a focus on European HEIs and their communities but also the society, research institutes and industry.
The OASIS project is innovative, in the sense that it serves multiple purposes and multiple audiences. The development of the marketplace, the matchmaking platform, the production of educational material, the training, mentoring and supporting of students / academic and non-academic staff / startups / SMEs are services applied for the first time in a wide region such as the RIS countries.
The academics of the 8 participating partners coming from 5 countries, majority in the region of RIS countries within the OASIS project, will be able to build bridges for intra-national, regional and cross-regional cooperation also with above-mentioned consortiums. These partnerships, via the horizontal link of the activities that will take place during the project, is estimated to bring in the HEIs originated from the RIS countries innovative, comprehensive teaching and learning methods and tools, focused on open source student-centered approaches, digital tools and applications. Besides the establishment and operation of open science marketplace educating, teaching academic and non academic staff in the participating universities is an innovative action since there are no such activities recorded in the past.
It is very important to emphasize that OASIS full partner ATHENA Research Center is Coordinator in the Be-OPEN project and beneficiary in many other Open Science / Technology projects. So the knowledge transfer that will offer in OASIS will be the result of accumulated experience and know-how and therefore will have great impact to all Stakeholders of the consortium.
- develop and strengthen technology transfer processes in participating HEIs;
- enhance entrepreneurial education with OS technologies (including hardware software, data and standards)
- strengthen Open Science technology and knowledge transfer partnerships;
- empower the next generation of innovators by equipping them with entrepreneurial skills
- improve the impact framework of OS technology transfer and entrepreneurial/intrapreneurial education
- strengthen the entrepreneurial and innovation capacity of HEIs by facilitating capacity building and changing the mindset of academic and non-academic HEI staff towards a long-term IVAP implementation commitment
- transform students and create professionals able to tackle labor challenges and needs
- empower girls with program “Girls Learning Open Science”
OASIS project propose more than 10x targeted activities that will bring a clear added value to the HEIs’ system as a whole and will have direct impact on the targeted beneficiaries with a main goal to improve the capability of all stakeholders:
- Students: offering knowledge through mentoring and training activities;
- Academic Staff: introducing new entrepreneurship teaching modules
- Start-ups: enhancing entrepreneurial education & mentoring to enable people creating start-ups
- Industries: linking education with industry, fostering the entrepreneurial character of HEIs
- National & Regional Organizations: contributing to the design of regional and national innovation strategies for smart specialization
- OS community: developing pilot projects to support start-ups/scale-ups and utilize testbeds
- Business Development Agencies: organizing & creating internships, by strengthening/increasing knowledge capacity
- Society in general: strengthening/increasing knowledge capacity and creating technology transfer processes
"When we are looking to the future, we envision universities without boundaries"
The OASIS project helps HEIs to become engines of innovation for the realization of a digital & inclusive society.
The OASIS project has been designed -based on the general objectives of HEI Initiative – with the aim of increasing the innovation and entrepreneurial capacity in higher education, bringing together HEIs in innovation value chains and ecosystems across Europe in terms of sustainability.
The OASIS project will propose more than 10 targeted activities that will bring a clear added value to the higher education system as a whole and will have a direct impact on the targeted beneficiaries. These activities should contribute to the reform of HEI policies that respond to societal and labor market needs. The main concern of each of the activities is to improve the capability of the stakeholders which are organized to internal and external groups
The OASIS project will propose more than 10 targeted activities that will bring a clear added value to the higher education system as a whole and will have a direct impact on the targeted beneficiaries. These activities should contribute to the reform of HEI policies that respond to societal and labor market needs. The main concern of each of the activities is to improve the capability of the stakeholders which are organized to internal and external groups.
The core principle that distinguishes the OASIS from other projects, more traditional, research and innovation projects is the explicit link between all the elements in the full innovation cycle, from education and knowledge creation to new market opportunities and innovative business support having a direct impact and replicability.