Our News EIT HEI Initiative Pilot Phase Conclusion Event in Brussels, Belgium 12/06/2024 Two days Sense Making Workshop 27/11/2023 OASIS Project meeting in Rome, Italy 20/11/2023 OASIS roundtables in Rhodes 10/11/2023 Participation in the event of the DDTI 19/09/2023 Participation in the DTAM training event 29/07/2023 OASIS introduced at the 2nd IMPACT 2023 Conference 18/07/2023 Participation in the IVAP Workshop 05/06/2023 OASIS Marketplace is launched! 01/06/2023 Participating in EIT’s HEI Initiative 2023 Innovation Vision Action Plan (IVAP) Workshop! 31/05/2023 Participation of the OASIS Project in the BEYOND technology exhibition 30/05/2023 Participation in the INTECMED 29/05/2023 OASIS Mentoring 11/05/2023 OASIS Spring School 20/03/2023 It’s Alive! 19/10/2022 Point Of No Return 28/09/2022 Project Results 23/09/2022 A Look On Oasis 15/09/2022