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The University of Peloponnese established in 2000 and accepted its first students in 2002. The University of Peloponnese central premises is located in Tripolis while schools and departments operate in other 6 cities (Tripolis, Corinth, Nafplion, Sparti, Kalamata & Patra) throughout Peloponnese and Western Greece Region.
Departments that host about 20.000 students are grouped under the Schools of:
(a) Agriculture and Food, based in Kalamata
- b) Administration, based in Kalamata
- c) Health Sciences, based in Tripoli.
- d) Engineering, based in Patras
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) belongs to the School of Engineering of the University of Peloponnese and is based in Patras.
The mission of ECE is to provide high-level education and research skills to students, in order to produce engineers with high-level knowledge and skills in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In particular, the Department develops the science and technology of Energy and Electrical Systems, Signal Processing, Communications, Networks, Electronics, Computers, Automatic Systems and Informatics, in all their areas of application.
The curriculum offers a basic education of six (6) academic semesters, followed by four (4) academic semesters, in which students specialize in four Electrical and Computer Engineering directions of: (a) Energy Systems, (b) Signals, Telecommunications and Networks, (c) Electronics, Computers and Systems, and (d) Informatics.
In second cycle of studies, ECE offers a Postgraduate Program entitled "Smart Information and Communication Technologies and Services". The purpose of this program is to develop technologies, models and methods for efficiently managing and processing big data, exporting knowledge and assisting decision-making in critical areas. Focuses on Smart Cyber-Physical Systems and Services, Advanced Technologies for Education and Business Analytics and Data Science. Emphasis is also given on familiarization and implementation of entrepreneurship and open innovation.
In the third cycle of studies, ECE offers a Doctoral Program in areas falling within the research interests and scientific fields covered by the Department, either exclusively or broadly.
The educational and research facilities of the Department are housed in four (4) buildings, where the theoretical and laboratory education of the students, is carried out. The Department has modern laboratory infrastructures that are sufficient for the practical training of students. In addition to the educational infrastructures, students have access to central facilities, such as central library, conference center, sport facilities, student housing facilities, restaurant and cafeteria.
ECE is strongly involved in research and innovation and actively participates in national projects (funding from General Secretariat for Research and Technology and from the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation, as also as from the private sector) and international projects (funding from Horizon 2020, Erasmus Plus, etc.). Undergraduate and postgraduate students are encouraged to participate in all relevant activities in a timely manner.
Today the research and development activities are hosted in the seven (7) recently established research laboratories of the Department:
- "Network Technologies and Digital Transformation"
- "Electronic Circuits, Systems and Applications"
- "Design of Embedded Systems and Applications"
- "Data and Media"
- "Microelectronics and Communications"
- "eBusiness & User Experience Design"
- "Interdisciplinary Semantic Interconnection of Symbiotic Educational Environments"
ECE makes a special effort to warrantee the European/international scientific and/or professional perspective of the graduates, through the adoption of the ECTS, the participation in ERASMUS+ exchanges, the participation in academic and research exchanges through bilateral agreements with countries that excel in engineering studies. The Department encourages students, faculty and staff to take active part in ERASMUS+ exchanges, under both learning and training agreements.
The University of Camerino (UNICAM) seven centuries after its foundation remains young in spirit and continues to make major contributions to the economic, social and cultural life of the town and its region.
UNICAM was the first university in Italy to introduce quality control procedures in its institutional activities according to the international norms UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 by the French certifying company GROUPE AFAQ.
Out of 8,000 registered students the percentage of international students coming from more than 50 different countries has reached 10%, more than three times the national average.
5 University Schools and 4 campuses (Camerino, Ascoli Piceno, Matelica, San Benedetto del Tronto). Bachelor and Master courses held in English as well as Doctoral courses.
UNICAM boasts of building structures and equipment in continual development: teaching and scientific libraries and a large number of research laboratories,modern sports facilities, dormitories for over 900 places, student services and facilities
The excellent professor/student ratio (1 professor for every 25 students) is another fundamental element in guaranteeing quality of learning at UNICAM.

Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski is the first Bulgarian high academic school establishment. Its history is an embodiment and a continuation of the centurylong cultural and educational tradition of the Bulgarian nation.
Gradually, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski has become one of the most highly reputable centers of science on the Balkans, a full-fledged university of the European type. Today Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski is the biggest and most prestigious scientific hub in the country. It has 16 faculties with 119 special subjects being taught.
Within the structure of Sofia University the following main structures are included: the Faculty of Slavonic Philology, the Faculty of Classical and Contemporary Philology, the Faculty of History, the Faculty of Philosophy, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Educational Studies and the Arts, the Faculty of Geology and Geography, the Faculty of Physics, the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, the Faculty of Biology, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, the Faculty of Theology, the Faculty of Medicine, the Department of Information and Training of Teachers, the Department for Language Teaching and the Department of Sports.
Within the framework of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski there are several independent units: the University Library, the University Press with a printing house, a University Center for Information and Communication Technologies, a Science Research Sector, the University Botanic Gardens. There are also several centers: the Professor Ivan Duychev Center of Byzantine Studies; the Center for Educational Services; the Center for Eastern Languages and Cutures; the Center for Korean Studies; a Career Center; a Cultural Center; a EURAXESS center for the Mobility of Scholars; a Cisco Net Academy at Sofia University; a Research Center of Patristic and Byzantine Spiritual Heritage; a Confucius Institute; an Approved Test Centre for the Oxford Test of English; The University Center for Religious Research; the French-German Center for Applied Research in Economics and Management; the Center for Online Education; the University Center for the Management of Quality; the Center of the Technologies of the Information Society; the Center for Economic Policy and Scientific Research; the High Technology Business Center at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski; the Center of Economics and Politics of China; Rehabilitational Centers; the Polar Research Center. The Alma Mater radio and TV stations have been on the air. We must also add the laboratory theater @lma @lter, the Sofia University Museum; the Museum of Paleontology and Historical Geology; the Museum of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Ores and Minerals.
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski is an educational institution that has stepped on the road of the development of research. The principle that the top level is a conditio sine qua non is mandatory in the implementation of the effective interaction between the educational process and the technological development, science and innovative politics. Sofia University has the best Bulgarian scholars in all fields of scientific research. The scientific activities of the faculty at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski has become an obligatory part and parcel of the teaching process.
The scientific activities of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski have been developing in compliance with the accredited by the academic community Strategy for the Development of Scientific Research (2009-2014). It defines the priority research domains and, at the same time, adheres to the tradition of Sofia University to safeguard the freedom of the lecturers of their choice of concrete research objectives. The strategy of scientific research at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski aims at creating conditions for the sustainable development of a university science potential that will guarantee its successful participation on the market of scientific products. It also sketches out the long-term plan for systematic activities that will provide a solution of the pressing need for radical social reforms. The scientific research strategy asserts project funding as the main tool of financing scientific and research work. Today Sofia University focusses on projects funded by national and European programs, ministries, national agencies, NGOs, and business enterprises. The mission of Sofia University is to develop the scientific, educational and cultural potential of Bulgaria, whereby the new emphasis is on creating models for social development both by revealing the intrinsic ability of institutional change and the social results of such a change: this comes as a new level of scholarly production, of social outcome, and of social expertise. The implementation of such a mission is in direct relationship with the reaching of the strategic aim of the scientific development of Sofia University.
The official address of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski is: 1504, Sofia; 15, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd.; Tel. Exchange: (02) 9308 200, Fax: (02) 9460 255.
“Logos” University College is a private nonprofit higher education institution established in 2008 with its headquarter located in Tirana, Albania.
The mission of "Logos" University College is to serve society through education, research, innovation, fostering individual development to transform their lives; ensuring student success in a global environment; providing academic services and developing an inclusive community.
"Logos" University College offers a modern model of education and specialization, in response to the demands of the time for higher education, guaranteeing a contemporary theoretical-practical training of students in the study programs of the first cycle "Bachelor" and the second cycle "Master" in the fields of: Economy, Informatics, Education, Medical Laboratory Technique, etc. "Logos" University College has dedicated and high level academic staff. Contemporary conditions and low tuition fees. A variety of educational programs, some of which are the only ones in HEIs in Albania.

Founded in 1991 as a European Network representing its member Technical and Vocational Educational Institutions and Associations across Europe, EfVET has become a major force supporting its members in the drive to improve and develop Vocational Education and Training.
EfVET missions to enhance VET provision across all member colleges and educational institution through an active network of training providers, employers and practitionera invocational education and training and lifelong learning. Its goal is to offer a network for professionals to foster connection between digital skills, research and practitioners in Vocational Education Training
EfVET offers its members the opportunity to share good practices and to learn from each other. With over 1500 VET institutions and associations currently as members across 35 member countries, EfVET provides a unique platform serving those at the front line of VET provision, giving a voice at policy level in the drive to improve the quality and innovation across the European VET sector. A drive in keeping with the policy objectives of the European Union, Commission and its Agencies as set out in ET2020 and originally emphasized through the Bruges Declaration 2010, subsequently the Riga Declaration, Osnabruck declaration and European Skills Agenda and Pact for Skills
The Industrial Systems Institute (ISI) is a leading R&D institute of excellence conducting basic research and exploratory development on Information and communications technology (ICT) for the Greek and European industry. From the time of its inauguration, the focus of ISI has been on edge technologies for industrial operations/enterprise environments, and prime concern towards innovation and the growth in competitiveness of the Greek industry. General goal of ISI has from the outset been to conduct applied research leading the development of industrial applications and products, as well as the provision of advanced industrial services.
ISI carries out fundamental and applied research and contributes to science evolution by currently focusing on industrial research fields with exceptional expected rate of development.

Intellia is an SME that develops technological solutions in the areas of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Intellia consists of qualified researchers and software developers with long-standing experience in the implementation of high-end software solutions. The company is based on a team of AI/ML experts, software developers, and data engineers with many years of experience in AI/ML (e.g., open-source libraries such as SCIKIT and PyPI, native programming on Android/iOS operating systems, predictive maintenance, event correlation). In OASIS, Intellia is involved in the implementation of an online Marketplace for Open Science solutions and products.
AI4SKILLS srl -BC is an innovative start up tech benefit established as commercial evolution of the "AGAPE" project, acronym of "Aquaculture Global AI Platform for Europe's Skill Passport" funded by the European agency for technological innovation EIT FOOD, created to respond to the demand for upskills and reskills in the aquaculture. https://agape-skillset.com/.
It has been established on 29.12.2021 pursuant to the Italian Law 208/2015 "AI4SKILLS", by three women entrepreneurs: Michela Cariglia, Milena Marzano and Francesca Biondo. AI4SKILLS srl-BC developed a collaborative platform SKILLSFOREU.COM, based on artificial intelligence, capable of enhancing the skills of human resources by activating processes of qualification, retraining and awareness of cross-knowledge between job supply and demand, responding to the effective search for market skills and soft skills.
The platform is based on an algorithm human centered capable of bringing for the first time to the market, to the educational approach, to consumers and to research ecosystems, an innovative model of interaction between stakeholders and to broaden the community on skills, capacities and competence at worldwide level and in real time. The skill service solution is a pattern composed by CV analysis, Carrier Path, Job Matching and aggregate report on Skill Map and Skill trends. All in one: it is able to generate the services by one click.
It is based on the development of “SKILLS PASSPORTS” for the creation of professional profiles of all levels based on skills and related enhancement for all the supply chains. The platform operates in a bottom-up way: the artificial intelligence analyses the CV based on the actual skills including soft skills and indicates which are the activities to be put in place to qualify or retrain to access a specific job market or improve one's own positioning or identifying new opportunities. On the other side it provides at training course on the catalogue or plugged in at global level. The AI engine generates on demand reports based on a georeferenced system in real time. The Skillset solution is able to offer services from the single users up to the decision making.
The value proposition of AI4SKILLS consists of the integration between the elaborative and orienting system of the AI and real human skills. Indeed, by introducing in the "form" their training experiences, work, skills and propensities, the AI will provide a diagram of which training courses and job requests are present and necessary or useful to reintegrate into the work context together with the job matching and reports.