It’s Alive

It’s Alive!

Oasis is a living organism. It has dreams, goals, a solid background, and a pulse, which derives from the people who inspired it, and surely, from the people bringing it to life and existence. It progresses and evolves with time, not only by a sterile continuation of steps, but from the love and focus of the people involved.

As such, it is vital, the very essence of the project really, for its participants to come together, discuss on its core and progress, bring new ideas, closely watch what is achieved through it and how, and allow it effectively to become the best version of itself.


Like The First Day We Met

The first project meeting took place on the 17th of June, 2022. It was a first class chance for partners, as organizations but also as individuals, to introduce themselves in detail, elaborate on their fields of expertise, their visions. After the introductions, along with the essential friendly, and above all bonding chat, were completed, it was time to get to business. The discussions that took place were focused on the Oasis project, and the point of progress that has been reached so far. The Website, the logo, the project results. At the same time a roadmap was carved regarding the next steps to be taken.

6 project meetings have been conducted so far. With every step of the project, as it progresses on its objectives, the partnership makes sure to come together, closely monitor everything that has taken place, everything that is to happen. It is surely a process that ensures the high quality of the deliverables, and the general consistency of Oasis. Tasks, activities, and KPIs are discussed upon, as well as the responsibilities of each partner, in order to make sure that the map is crystal clear for everyone.


We Have Got To Keep Meeting Like This!

Respect, cooperation, and communication are key words for most, if not all, problems, difficult situations, and challenges in life. These are the values that prevail over the project partners, values that ensure the high quality and responsibility of the deliverables. Until we meet again.